Nowadays university education is faced with new challenges necessary for a successful learning process because of the very rapid advance of communication technologies and information, especially in all aspects related to internet. In the near future education will have to incorporate interactive webs as teaching tools , where the web platforms will be turned into virtual classrooms with the aim of making easy the learning process. These interactive tools promote the autonomous learning and increase the student's motivation. At the university level, the goal of using these tools is not simply to accumulate knowledge but also to learn how to use these tools.
The use of audiovisual tools in teaching process is progressive due to the continuous development of technology. Videos and computer presentations are examples of these variants introduced in the field of teaching. Teachers should transfer the technological advances of the present society to the field of knowledge , and avoid the imbalance between learning method and real life.
- Do good teachers need to use technology?
All the teachers should be open to new ways of doing things. Yes, I think all the teachers even the best one need to use technology. Good teachers maintain an avid interest in new technologies with a view toward improving the effectiveness of their teaching. Every teacher should be familiar with what's available on the Web in his or her subject area. The Web is a magnificent resource for teaching and learning. Teachers need to use technology because, by technology, they share more information and collaborate beyond schools walls. Realize that only change brings progress.
- What technologies do you use with your students?
Good teachers should be constantly on the lookout for ideas about how to do a better job in the classroom. One of the best ways to do that is to join an online discussion group, where teachers get together in an open e-forum to share ideas about teaching and learning. I will use with my students Google Documents, Classroom app, Google Translate as far as I'm an English teacher I will allow my students to use Google Translate app in class, where they can translate new words into their native language ( Albanian ) .Social Medias such as Facebook and Twitter where students can create groups with a teacher in order to take announcement and to share with each other links related to the subject.
· Will technology replace teachers?
Technology in its way is the one which can not be challenged, but absolutely it cannot replace
teachers. Technology is just a tool used by the teacher to have a meaningful and active class. Teachers are
those who teach us how to use technology.
The use of technology in teaching process is very important and helpful. It helps the teacher to make the class more interactive and the students don,t get bored. These tools motivate the learners and make life and lesson more easy.
A very good and well-organized post Sonila. Agree with you that all the teachers should be open to new ways of doing things, because this way students would feel comfortable to give ideas and opinions, and also participate in the learning process.