Monday, 25 May 2020


HI GUYS ! Hope you are doing well.

This time I am going to talk about E-assessment , which in other words is an electronic assessment where we can hand in different homework electronically.
As I mentioned last week , assessment is a very important part of a lesson because with assessment we can see how a student is improving, how much responsible he is, how has he/she got everything from the lesson .
The best thing as a teacher is to give the class different assessments where can be included different kind of exercises such as reading passages, listening and spelling.


Here are some of them :

This assessment method can have single or multiple correct answers. you may use multiple choices questions when there is a clear and correct option as well as viable alternatives.

This exercise can be used when you want the students to directly recall specific facts. It is very useful because when the answer is not listed anywhere on the screen , learners have to remember it without any prompting. In this type of exercise you should bare in mind that you need to allow for more than one correct answer and for misspelled words and synonyms. 

Drag and drop questions let learners sort, rank and group options instead of just picking them. This question format prompts learners to interact with objects on a screen , because they need to select one option and drag it to another part of the screen.


Assessment are required to demonstrate how an individual or a group has reached a certain level of ability and sometimes they are required as part of a qualification or certification program .

Monday, 18 May 2020



How are you doing? I wish you are all staying safe until we recover from this situation.
Today I am going to talk about evaluation and assessment, the difference between this two the strategies of making a good judgement and  the value that each of them has for our pupils or students in the future.
I would like to say as a student that there are many times that I haven't being evaluated as I deserved and it really hurt and was as a stone in my life. It has happened to me sometimes and I just felt like I didn't want to see that subject and teacher anymore in my entire life. That is the thing that me now as a teacher  am going to do it  in the way it should be , without offending anyone and without making the students feel bad in front of the class. I think a good teacher is that person who evaluate her students and motivate them , not that one that embarrassed her students with her cruel behaviour.

So assessment and evaluation are not the same things, which should not be used interchangeably because they have different purpose. Assessment is the process of gathering data about student performance using various tools like teacher observations , activities, or quizzes to capture what students know and understand  while evaluation is the process of actually making a judgement about the meaning of the data gathered .

Let's look at strategies in order to make good judgments about our students success and instructional decisions . We need to have solid assessment and evaluation practices and that begins with establishing clear learning goals . This allows us to prepare lessons in advance with align with and support those goals and to fair and valid assessments. Good assessment and evaluation also include identifying the student level of mastery even before instruction begins . This allow us to reliably capture what students have done well and what needs to be improved based on the level of mastery we are seeking. But how do we do this? There are many tools used to help assess  student progress towards the learning goals like :
- General observation of student behaviour at work
-Observation checklists  during a particular activity or any completed student work
-Involving the students in creating the goals and monitoring their own progress helps improve learner autonomy.

The benefits of evaluation :

  •  better understand your target audiences' needs and how to meet these needs :
  •  design objectives that are more achievable and measurable:
  •  monitor progress toward objectives more effectively and efficiently: 
  •  learn more from evaluation:
  •  increase your program's productivity and effectivenes

The benefits of assessment : 

Well-designed assessment can encourage active learning peer  and self-assessment, for instance, can foster a number of skills such as : 

  •  reflection
  •  critical thinking 
  •  self-awareness
  •   giving students insight into the assessment process.

Monday, 11 May 2020

Develop phase

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to write about develop phase and one useful media tool in order you to use it for different reasons .

Nowadays one of the most useful tool use for teaching or do other presentation is “Prezi “. Most of the people use this tool in order to make attractive presentations and to share them or go live with videoconferencing tools. So in other words Prezi is a must . You can use Prezi for education presentations or business one depends on what are you going to present.
Prezi works with the apps you already use such as zoom , join me , Microsoft Teams.
With Prezi you can create zooming presentations that attract the audience attention.
Prezi Video creates a very easy way to create videos for lessons and to share it with your groups and they can be viewed anytime.
Also this tools help you to create professional presentations and gives you the opportunity to design charts, maps , reports, infographics , posters , dashboard, social posts , custom , slides , email headers etc.
Map - creating maps in a presentation is very attractive prezi helps to creates all the kind of maps in order to be more easy to explain and understand.
Charts - makes easy to present the data that you wanted to include on the presentation more effectively.
Reports - prezi has different templates that helps you to write your reports .
Infographics - is a visual image that is used to present information or data . It can helps the others to understand you informations very easy.
Poster - A great poster is readable, legible and well organized.
Organization and flow make the poster easy to read.
Dashboard- Provides current data on the organization that for better management
- Provides financial analysis, historical data, reports, sales, IT, etc.
Social post - prezi has different templates to make a presention for a social app
Slides - as the other tools also prezi have slides and they can be coverted from another tool.
Custom -  can create a custom starting point on any topic, subtopic, page, or animation in your canvas. This allows you to take control of your presentation's flow and direction so you can reveal content to your audience at just the right moment.
So to conclude using Prezi tool you can make you presentations in a unique an attractive way.
This are some of the most important use of this application and I hope this blog post will help you in the future :)
Thank you!

Monday, 4 May 2020

Planning and organizing multimedia projects

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. 

The topic for this week is really interesting because I have to talk about how to plan and organize multimedia projects. To do all this I have to take in consideration the DDD-E Model , but especially the DECIDE and DESIGN parts. 

Working on a multimedia project we should consider a lot of factors that influence DECIDE . These factors are: 
1. Technology available and their location 
2. Available computer time 
3. Grouping options
4. Time needed to complete the project
5. Student's experience with computers 
These factors are quite important in planning a project because without internet connection and without experience with computers they will look really hard to be done. 

The steps that should be taken to plan this kind of projects are: 
1. Setting Instructional Goals 
2. Deciding on a project 
3. Developing prerequisite skills 
4. Assessing Resources. 

Setting instructional goals is the first step. All the teachers should write down the objectives in the beginning of the project  and these objectives should vary depending on the level of the students , available resources and learner's experience. The students should bare in mind not to over-concerned with the final presentations and to forget the purpose of the project. 
To decide on a project means to select and to design a project to meet the desired goals. 
Another element is to fulfill the presentation in the prescribed time. 
Developing prerequisite skills is a good manner to advance with the computer learning skills. The basic knowledge of the computer are important in the beginning of the project .
And the last but not least is assessing resources. Is there any internet connection?
Do all students have the necessary software and equipments to carry out the project? 

Organizing multimedia projects 
1. Examining group alternatives
2. Creating cooperative groups
3. Scheduling computer times 
The two types of group alternatives are: collaborative and cooperative learning group. 
The difference between these two groups is a very small difference because they both work on the same goal but collaborative groups work separately , so everyone gives their own opinion and in cooperative groups  the members provide academic and personal support. 

I hope this steps and points will be very helpful for you !