Monday, 11 May 2020

Develop phase

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to write about develop phase and one useful media tool in order you to use it for different reasons .

Nowadays one of the most useful tool use for teaching or do other presentation is “Prezi “. Most of the people use this tool in order to make attractive presentations and to share them or go live with videoconferencing tools. So in other words Prezi is a must . You can use Prezi for education presentations or business one depends on what are you going to present.
Prezi works with the apps you already use such as zoom , join me , Microsoft Teams.
With Prezi you can create zooming presentations that attract the audience attention.
Prezi Video creates a very easy way to create videos for lessons and to share it with your groups and they can be viewed anytime.
Also this tools help you to create professional presentations and gives you the opportunity to design charts, maps , reports, infographics , posters , dashboard, social posts , custom , slides , email headers etc.
Map - creating maps in a presentation is very attractive prezi helps to creates all the kind of maps in order to be more easy to explain and understand.
Charts - makes easy to present the data that you wanted to include on the presentation more effectively.
Reports - prezi has different templates that helps you to write your reports .
Infographics - is a visual image that is used to present information or data . It can helps the others to understand you informations very easy.
Poster - A great poster is readable, legible and well organized.
Organization and flow make the poster easy to read.
Dashboard- Provides current data on the organization that for better management
- Provides financial analysis, historical data, reports, sales, IT, etc.
Social post - prezi has different templates to make a presention for a social app
Slides - as the other tools also prezi have slides and they can be coverted from another tool.
Custom -  can create a custom starting point on any topic, subtopic, page, or animation in your canvas. This allows you to take control of your presentation's flow and direction so you can reveal content to your audience at just the right moment.
So to conclude using Prezi tool you can make you presentations in a unique an attractive way.
This are some of the most important use of this application and I hope this blog post will help you in the future :)
Thank you!

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